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How much important is the role o IVF lab in your chances of IVF success?

Better the IVF lab better is the chances of your success in the IVF treatment. IVF lab plays the most crucial role in the IVF treatment. As the embryos are cultured and grown in the lab, it is very important that the lab has basic and the most advanced equipments to support your embryos growth to be healthy. Air quality, temperature, sterility are the core factors that determine the quality of the embryo growth. Ensure that the fertility centre has got excellent IVF lab before undergoing your IVF treatment.

Role of en embryologist?

Embryologist takes care of your embryos. They are the ones that play leading role in producing embryos from fertilization to selecting good grade embryos for transfers. It is very important and highly recommended to undergo procedures in a centre which has highly competent and qualified embryologists, it is also important to ensure that the centre where you are undergoing your treatment should have in-house embryologists instead of visiting embryologist in order to optimize your chances of success.

What are the factors that affect embryo quality?

There are certain factors that affects the quality of the embryo :

1.Quality of the eggs

2.Ovarian reserve of the patient

Age of the patient

1.Protocols for the ovarian stimulation

2.Quality of the sperm and morphology

3.Culture conditions in the lab

Why embryo fragmentation does occur and its impact on the chances of your success?

Fragmentation is very common during the growth of the embryos. There are certain factors such as poor quality oocytes, disrupted cell cycle, oxidative stress, poor spermatozoa which are associated with embryo fragmentation. There are certain percentage of fragmentation which can be ignored as there are many evidences of healthy pregnancy and babies from lower degree of fragmentation.