Reproductive Surgery

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Reproductive disorders are frequently due to anatomic problems of the reproductive tract that require surgical correction for optimal reproductive outcomes. Many of these abnormalities can be treated with minimally invasive surgery, using laparoscopy and/or hysteroscopy. Laparoscopy is the placement of a small camera through the belly button under general anesthesia. Using this camera and 1 to 3 other 0.5 to 1 cm incisions, surgical correction of reproductive disorders can be performed. The advantages of minimally invasive surgery are that patients can go home the same day and resume normal activities within 1 to 2 weeks in most cases. Hysteroscopy is the placement of a small camera and other surgical instruments into the uterine cavity. Recovery from hysteroscopic procedures is typically 1 to 2 days.

Reproductive Surgery in India

Male Reproductive System includes two testes, a network of ducts, the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the penis. Sperms are produced in testis and ejaculated through penis. From the production to the delivery the track is very long.If you are unable to produce sperm in your ejaculate you may want to consider some form of male infertility surgery. New surgical methods developed in the past ten years have made it much easier to restore your sperm flow, thus allowing you to father a child.

There are a number of reasons that your sperm flow may be compromised:


Varicoceles occur when the blood flow in one or both of your testes begins to back up. This causes an enlarged vein, which is very similar to a varicose vein. A varicocele is generally painless, though varicocele symptoms can sometimes include dull aching or swelling when you have been standing for long periods of time. Varicoceles can compromise sperm production because abnormal blood flow increases the temperature in the testes. Mild cases of varicocele may be treated through non-surgical methods.

Hydroceles Hydroceles are actually a collection of fluid around the testicles inside your scrotum. Hydroceles are very common in newborns, and are often associated with hernias. In older men, hydroceles can be caused by infection or trauma to the testes or epididymis, or by a blockage in lymph nodes in the testicle. Hydroceles usually go away by themselves, but if they are interefering with fertility, they should be removed.

Vasectomy There are two different types of vasectomy reversal surgeries: vasovasostomy and epididymostomy. Which form of vasectomy reversal is done will depend upon how your vasectomy reversal was done and the health of your reproductive system. A vasovasostomy is the more common procedure, accounting for two-thirds of all vasectomy reversal.

Surgical trauma

Epididymal blockage (caused by infection or inflammation) Pathology is usually blockage of the ducts within the Prostate by stones, cysts or scar tissue.

Vas deferens blockage

Ejaculatory duct blockage

Reproductive Surgery – Women

Surgery remains an important step in the treatment of infertility. Reproductive surgery includes a wide range of operations designed for different purposes for men and women. In most instances these procedures are minimally invasive and patients can return to their usual daily routine quickly, frequently within one or two days.

For women, reproductive surgery falls into two categories

Diagnostic Surgical procedure in India

It evaluates the integrity of the Reproductive organs and their Relationship to other pelvic Structures. For e.g.:



Dilatation & Curettage

Endometrial Biopsy

Therapeutic reproductive surgery

It is used to treat infertility. Secondary to organic pelvic disease.It includes procedures like

Tubal fertility surgery

1.Tuboplasty of damaged tubes

2.Post Tubectomy [recanalization of tube]


4.Fulguration of Endometriosis

Corrections of uterine abnormalities

1.Removal of Scar tissue

2.Removal of fibroids

3.Removal of Endometriosis

4.Endometrial polypectomy

5.Asherman’s syndrome

6.Ovarian cysts

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