What to do in pregnancy during lockdown:

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What to do in pregnancy during lockdown:

1: Stay positive, don’t be scared and stay at home.

2: Strictly follow social distancing.

3: Eat wholesome, fresh, small in portion, frequent meals, include more of seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet.

4: Drink at least 8-10glasses of water per day, if possible lukewarm water.

5: Do regular exercises at home like walking within the house, carefully climbing the stairs number of times, light stretching and light weight training exercises.

6: If possible do any form of meditation at least for 10-15min daily

7: Include immunity booster food items in your routine like nuts, Amla, citrus fruit, ginger+honey+tulsi concoction.

8: Avoid Hospital or clinic for a routine check-up till lockdown instead consult online for routine queries.

9: Carefully watch for baby movements and take your supplements regularly

10: Stay in regular touch with your obstetrics team to avoid any complications.